About 24,000 students will undergo the Test of Achievement today in Kosovo.
Officials of the Ministry of Education say all the necessary preparations were made whereas the organization of the exam will be similar to last year, and it will be held in two parts.
About 24, 0000 15-year-old students are expected to undergo the first part of the test which is taking place today in Kosovo.
The leader of the Division for Evaluation, Standards, and Monitoring in the Ministry of Education, Fatmir Elezi, told Radio Kosova that the organization of the test will be similar to last year adding that the exam serves to measure students’ knowledge and enroll them in higher secondary schools.
“The purpose of the exam is the orientation of students in the tenth grade. Depending on the results of the exam, students are then enrolled in the High School. The conduction of the exam is similar to last year. In this first part, students will be tested in the following subjects: Mother Tongue, English Language, History, and Geography. Meanwhile, on July 11, the second part of the test will be held in the subjects: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The results are expected to be announced on July 17. “