The labor shortage is causing major problems for local businesses. This is confirmed by the Union of the Private Sector in Kosovo.
Economists estimate that the poor treatment of workers has brought about this situation. While the latest publications of SAK speak of about 750 thousand economically inactive people in the labor market.
The latest data published by the Statistics Agency of Kosovo, estimate that over 77 thousand people are unemployed and about 750 thousand are economically inactive.
Speaking to Radio Kosova, Jusuf Azemi, from the Union of the Private Sector in Kosovo, expresses his skepticism regarding the data published in SAK about the inactive force in the country.
He says businesses are in big trouble with labor shortages.
“A company asked me to find a worker with 500 euros salary, food, and transport. I still cannot find a worker who would work under these conditions, because there is a lack of them. Businesses are in big trouble with labor shortages. Now, I cannot find a simple worker based on a request from a company and with good conditions, while the SAK data says the contrary – I don’t know how they update them, but in reality, it doesn’t exist “, he says.
Inadequate jobs in certain profiles for which they study, low wages, and extended hours are some of the reasons why people hesitate to look for work, economist Ardian Sahiti tells Radio Kosova.
According to him, businesses in Kosovo do not treat workers properly in the workplace.
“Citizens demand more and their demands are in line with business opportunities, but the businesses themselves do not react. I see the problem in the entrepreneur himself in our country, don’t blame the workers, if the problem was the inactive labor force or the problem in our population, then countries like Germany would not have asked for workers and would not have made facilities in their embassies for Kosovo. The problem is not the population or our culture as a society, but the business mentality, which unfortunately does not seem to be changing,” he said.
However, economic experts estimate that institutions should have a serious approach to this phenomenon.